- 2024 Academic Hospital
- 2017 - 2024 Acıbadem Kozyatağı Hospital ENT Clinic / İstanbul
- 2006 - 2017 Maltepe University Medical Faculty / İstanbul
- 2002 - 2006 Kadıköy Private Hospital (Acıbadem Group) / İstanbul
- 2000 - 2002 Çamlıca Hayat Private Hospital ENT Clinic / İstanbul
- 1996 - 2000 Kocaeli University Medical Faculty ENT Department / Kocaeli
- 1994 - 1995 Giresun State Hospital Emergency Dept / Giresun
- 1993 - 1994 Tirebolu State Hospital Emergency Dept / Giresun
Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Articles Published in International Peer Reviewed Journals
- Tekcan Şanlı DE, Boyacı Z. (2021) Immunocompetent young patient presenting with unilateral lip abscsess due to peeling exfoliated lip skin. Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 59(3), 239-241., Doi: 10.4274/tao.2021.2021-4-9
- Ateşpare A, Boyacı Z (2016). The use of spreader grafts in revision septoplasty. J Craniofac Surg, 27(7), 1656-1660., Doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002898.
- Ateşpare A, Kara H, İlter E, Boyacı Z, Çelik Ö, Midi A (2016). Utility of Cartilage Grafts Wrapped With Amniotic Membrane in Dorsal Nasal Augmentation. J Craniofac Surg, Jun;27(4):938-42. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000002655.
- Ateşpare A, Boyacı Z (2016). The Use of Spreader Grafts in Revision Septoplasty. J Craniofac Surg, Oct;27(7):1656-1660.
- Çelik Ö, Boyacı Z, Ateşpare A, Develioğlu O, Karaca Ç, Çağlar E, Vural Ç (2013). The effect of duration of merocel in glove finger with tetracaine solution on septoplasty morbidity. J Craniofac Surg, 24(6), 1931-1934., Citation: 1, Doi: 10.1097/01.SCS.0000435809.68641.6c., (Control No: 1238276)
- Çelik Ö, Çelik A, Ateşpare A, Boyacı Z, Çelebi Ş, Gündüz T, Aksungar FB, Yelken K (2013). Voice and speech changes in various phases of menstrual cycle. J. Voice, 27(5), 622-626., Doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2013.02.006, (Control No: 490488)
- Boyacı Z, Çelik Ö, Ateşpare A, Koca Ö (2013). Conservative costal cartilage harvest for revision septorhinoplasty. J Craniofac Surg, 24(3), 975-977., Doi: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e318280254a, (Control No: 490379)
- Sarıman N, Koca Ö, Boyacı Z, Levent E, Soylu A, Alparslan S, Saygı A (2012). Microscopic bilateral posterior cordotomy in severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Sleep Breath, 16(1), 17-22., Citation: 2, Doi: 10.1007/s11325-010-0458-9, (Control No: 490609)
- Çelik Ö, Boyacı Z, Yelken K, Ateşpare A, Çelebi S, Koca Ö (2012). Septorhinoplasty with spreader grafts enhances perceived voice quality without affecting acoustic characteristics. J. Voice, 26(4), 493-495., Doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2011.03.005, (control No: 490564)
- Tanyeri H, Boyacı Z (2008). Reduction of the inferior turbinates with a microdebrider. KBB İht. Derg, 18(2), 69-73., Citation: 5, (Control No: 490748)
- Üstündağ E, Kaur AC, Boyacı Z, Keskin G, Aydın Ö (2006). Combined use of histopathology with touch smear cytology in biopsies of the larynx. Eur Arch Otorhinolarygol, 263(9), 866-871., Citation: 2, Doi: Epub 2006 Jun , (Control No:Date: 26/10/2015 2490841)
- Üstündağ E, Boyacı Z, Keskin G, Kaur A, Özkarakaş H (2005). Soft tissue response of the larynx to silicone, Gore-Tex, and irradiated cartilage implants. Larygoscope, 115(6), 1009-1014., Citation: 17, (Control No:490902)
- Aydın Ö, Üstündağ E, Boyacı Z, Müezinoğlu B (2004). Skin metastasis: an unusual localization from laryngeal carcinoma. KBB İhts Derg, 12(3-4), 103-106., Doi: 2004;12(3-4):103-6, (Control No: 490988)
- Keskin G, Boyacı Z, Üstündağ E, Kaur A, Almaç A (2003). Use of polyethylene terephthalate and expanded-polytetrafluoroethylene in medialisation laryngoplasty. J. Laryngol Otol, 117(4), 294-297., Citation: 10, (Control No: 491031)
Written National and International Books or Chapters in Book
- Voice and Voice Diseases Chapter ; Spectogram and Phonetic Analysis (Ses ve Ses Hastalıları, Bölüm adı:(Spektrogram Fonetik Analiz) )(1996)., Koca Ö, Boyacı Z, Ekin Tıbbi Yayıncılık, Editor:Ass. Prof. Ali Oğuz, Ass. Prof.Alp Demireller, Turkish (Scientific Book (Control No: 491611)
Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings
- Çelik Ö, Çelik A, Ateşpare A, Boyacı Z, Çelebi S, Gündüz T, Aksungar FB, Yelken K (2012). Menstrüel siklüsün çeşitli fazlarında konuşma ve seste ortaya çıkan değişiklikler. 10. International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress, 27(5), 622-626., Doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice. 2013.02.006. (Poster) (Control No: 1238573)
- Çelik Ö, Ateşpare A, Boyacı Z, Yener N, Vural Ç (2012). Nadir görülen dil kökü schwannomu: Olgu sunumu. 10. International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress (Poster) (Control No: 1238552)
- Ateşpare A, Çelik Ö, Boyazı Z, Kara H, Vural Ç, Midi A (2012). İnsan amnion zarına ve Surgicel’e sarılmış, doğranmış otolog kıkırdağın viabilitesinin karşılaştırılması: Deneysel çalışma. 10. International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress (Poster) (Kontrol No: 1238536)
- Boyacı Z, Çelik Ö, Ateşpare A, Koca Ö (2012). Revizyon septorinoplastilerde kullanmak için konservatif kostal kartilaj alınması. 10. International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress, 24(3), 975-977. (Poster) (Kontrol No: 1238514)
- Eren A, Çaşkurlu E, Çolak G, Midi A, Boyacı Z, Çelik Ö (2009). Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx, case report. International Pediatrics Medical Students Congress (Poster) (Control No: 1238604)
- Alnar E, Karakaya S, Midi A, Boyacı Z, Çelik Ö (2009). Burkitt’s lymphoma of the tonsil; case report. International Pediatrics Medical Students Congress (Poster) (Control No: 1238585)
- Oğuz A, Koçak İ, İşeri M, Üstündağ E, Boyacı Z (1998). Management Of Androphonia In Cerebellar Ataxia By Tyroplasty Type IV”. European Laryngological Society 2nd Congress (Poster) (Control No: 1238653)